This is my list of links to threads, articles, posts, and anything else
I consider useful for developing with .NET. I'll try to mark things to indicate what
language they use, but honestly VB and C# are interchangable. I'm not going to bother
obsessively categorizing these; your browser has a search function and it should lead
you to the links you need.
Windows Forms
Accessing controls from worker threads in .NET
-- If you're using worker threads in a Windows Forms application, you need to
read this to learn how to avoid the exception that is thrown when you make
illegal cross-thread calls. I cover a new .NET 2.0 method for managing this
that may or may not be a good idea.
Anchor, Dock, and layout panels in Windows Forms
-- Discusses the effects of the Anchor and Dock properties on WinForms
controls and how layout panels like
can help
you create form layouts that look good as they are resized.
CheckedListBox demystified
-- This post explains the methods and properties that are used to get values
and item states from a
I hate this control and I
feel like it doesn't add enough value to justify its complexity, but a lot of
people seem to like it so here you go.
Determining the location of a mouse click
-- Actually, this covers a method for always finding the location of the mouse.
Bonus discussion of client coordinates vs. screen coordinates.
Filtering ListBox items based on user input.
How to get the selected item from a ComboBox (VB)
-- Includes property-by-property discussion. Mostly works great for ListBox too.
Iceplug's Control Arrays in .NET tutorial
Iceplug's Backbuffers tutorial (VB)
-- Demonstrates GDI+ double buffering. Not made entirely obsolete by
.NET 2.0's OptimizedDoubleBuffer property as this is still the only
way to reduce flicker in certain cases.
Creating Transparent Controls in Windows Forms
-- This is more difficult than you think, because GDI didn't initially
support "layered" windows, which meant if controls overlapped you'd see your
form's background color, rather than the control under yours. Using the layered
window support added in Win2K, you can make controls that support better
transparency. (WPF is the only non-hacky way to do it, though.)
ListView virtual mode
-- This is a neat way to reduce flicker in a ListView when you're adding a
lot of items at once. It doesn't seem to do true virtualization, but it can
The color scheme is "Subtlety of Hue the Spa" by at Adobe Kuler. Neat tool for finding colors if you're artistically disabled like me.